Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lions and Monkeys and Pups...Oh My!

Oh how we love baking for baby showers!  We had a picture of a baby quilt featuring taxis, cars, and firetrucks with the puppies, lions, and monkeys in each.  So Dominique and Karolyn got to work re-creating each image to go on Chocolate Bliss Bites dolloped with lime green frosting which matched one of the party napkins.   Kara was gracious enough to email a picture.  Boy, oh boy!

Yo Gabba Who?

None of the Cupcake Bliss crew have kids, so we aren't exactly tuned into the ever-changing popular kid's shows.  We had a customer come in a few months back requesting cupcakes decorated with Yo Gabba Gabba decorations.  We all said, "Yo Gabba who?  Who has heard of this show?"  Google to the rescue!  We were introduced to the world of Yo Gabba Gabba, and Dominique and Karolyn set out to replicate the funny characters.  Not only did the cupcakes turn out way cute, we were sad to see our new fondant friends leave the shop.  Yo Gabba Gabba, you stole our hearts...especially you, Foofa!