Thursday, February 24, 2011

End of February!

Valentine's Day came and went so fast and now I have been working 20 days straight.  It does not look as if it is slowing down any time soon either.   With only myself and Heather here, we managed to sell over 600 cupcakes for walk in customers and sold out twice, both times in under 2 hours.  My brother Tim came in to make our deliveries and kept the customers smiling while they waited in line.

I immediately hired another baking assistant who starts next week!  I can't wait.

We are getting ready for our Academy Awards cupcakes this weekend.  We will feature a cupcake from each of the Best Picture nominees this year.  More details to follow on Saturday and we will post pictures of course.  We are also planning on doing a King Cake Cupcake then will follow with special Easter cupcakes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day Menu

Here is the Valentine's Day Menu.  We are so excited about our first Valentine's Day!!   We will have the following in the case:

Salty Caramel
Chocolate covered Strawberry
Wedding Bliss
Red Velvet
Chocolate Caramel

Cheesecake Cupcakes

Whoopie Pies
Chocolate/Vanilla Cake Balls

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Blog Post!

Hello Everyone!  We just got back from Mexico just in time for the Ice Storm of 2011.   Since I was in for the entire day, I decided it is a great day to start blogging.  I have been thinking about it and it just seems like a great time to start.  I will mostly have all things related to Cupcake Bliss, but I will also put up stuff about our travels, pictures, running, and my friends and family.  Please stay tuned as I am learning as I go, but I will try very hard to post at least once or twice a week.

We spent three days in beautiful Cabo, San Lucas courtesy of Lance and Julie Turner.  I was able to spend time with my Express peeps for some much needed R&R.  Heather, Alia and Melanie kept the shop running on Saturday and they did awesome!!!  Here are just a few pictures of us in Cabo, right before Scott almost killed himself with our friends Troy and Tony.  Just kidding, but they do have a great story to tell.